Ассоциация исследователей эзотеризма и мистицизма


Scholars involved in the academic study of esotericism and mysticism can become ASEM members. To do so, please familiarize yourself with the ASEM Articles of Association, and fill in the form below.
Тема письма / Subject *:
Ф.И.О. / Full name *:
Дата рождения / Date of birth *:
Адрес проживания / Address of residence:
Ученая степень и звание / Science degree and academic title:
Место работы и учебы / Place of work or study:
Должность и (или) учебный статус / Position and/or student status:
Список публикаций / List of publications on related topics *:
E-Mail для связи / Your E-Mail *:
Телефон / Phone:
Фотография / Photo *:
Научные интересы / Research Interests *:
Согласен с Уставом АИЭМ / Written agreement with the ASEM Charter *:

The decision on whether an applicant is accepted is taken by the ASEM Board over the course of a month.
ASEM membership requires paying yearly dues. Information about dues amount, regularity and method of payment is given by the Secretary.
Confirmation of membership is sent by the Association Secretary by E-mail.