Ассоциация исследователей эзотеризма и мистицизма

Association for the Study of Esotericism and Mysticism

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The Association for the Study of Esotericism and Mysticism (ASEM) is a scholarly non-profit organization that unites scholars of a humanitarian disposition in the countries of the former Soviet Union who engage in the academic study of esotericism and mysticism.

ASEM aims to unite the efforts of interested scholars to systematically study these promising phenomena, and aids in the creation of original methodologies and a corresponding descriptive language, in describing different worldviews on which esoteric and mystical movements are based, in the analysis of their symbols, categories, and social structures, in codification of the stages of development of these phenomena in history, and so on.

ASEM's priority aims are to determine the reason for a staunch prevalence of mystical and esoteric aspects in human culture in different states of its history and to determine the extent of their influence on contemporary culture. ASEM aspires to make connections with corresponding scholarly organizations in other regions of the world, scholarly projects, and joint publications.

The main form of ASEM activity for the realization of the abovementioned tasks is the holding of international scholarly conferences on the study of mysticism and esotericism, which allow for an interdisciplinary coverage of these phenomena, including, but not limited to, the historic, psychological, and philosophical approaches.

These conferences are "mobile," meaning that they are held in different cities in post-Soviet space to attract greater attention of the scholarly community to research in mysticism and esotericism. At the moment, five conferences have taken place, all under the general title "Mystical and Esoterical Movements in Theory and Practice" (for more information, see the "Conferences" section). ASEM publishes the collected materials of these conferences. ASEM also publishes its own online academic journal, Aliter, twice a year. Aliter articles are published in Russian and English.

All questions of organization are decided by the Board - the executive and coordinating organ of the ASEM, which defines the main directions of its activity.

ASEM invites scholars who study esotericism and mysticism to join its ranks. To join the ASEM or for more information about its activity, please write to the secretary.
Association Board:
Dr. Sergey V. Pakhomov (Saint Petersburg), Chairman
Dr. Vadim V. Zhdanov (Erlangen, Germany)
Dr. Yuriy Zavhorodniy (Kyiv)
Dr. Yuriy Khalturin (Moscow)
Dr. Yuri Rodichenkov (Vyazma)
Kateryna V. Zorya (Kyiv)
S. Panin (Moscow), Secretary, Webmaster