Ассоциация исследователей эзотеризма и мистицизма

Interdisciplinary Symposium in Denmark: Mystic Consciousness or Conscious Mystics?

Добавлено 2011-04-15 в 6:43 PM
Interdisciplinary Symposium on

Mystic Consciousness or Conscious Mystics?

Perspectives from Theology, Psychology, Philosophy and Neuroscience

Denmark, FYN, 27-29 May 2011.

We are happy to announce this interdisciplinary symposium organized by the Copenhagen University Network of Science and Religion and The Danish Science-Theology Forum, Aarhus University. The aim is to discuss the highly debated phenomena consciousness, mysticism and solitude from psychological, theological, philosophical and neuroscientific perspectives. In this regard, five prominent researchers are invited to present their views and research results which will be the topics of public discussion afterwards. The symposium ends on Sunday morning with a panel debate between the speakers followed by lunch.

Preliminary Program

(the full program will be announced very soon)

Antoon Geels,

Mystic Consciousness - New Psychological Perspectives.

Professor, Dr. History and Psychology of Religion
Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
University of Lund

Catharina Stenqvist,

Cultivating Solitude: Thomas Merton and Ludwig Feuerbach on Solitude and Loneliness.

Professor, Dr. Philosophy of Religion

Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
University of Lund, Sweden

Rose-Marie Tillich,

What is Reality? Demythifying Mysticism in Selected Sermons of Bernhard of Clairvaux and Meister Eckhart

Cand.Teol. Ph.d.

University of Copenhagen
Department of Church History

Thilo Hinterberger,

Researching Consciousness - the Science of Privacy

Prof. Dr. Neuroscience

Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
Schwerpunkt Angewandte Bewusstseinswissenschaften

Roland Karo,

M&Ms, or Mystical Mindscapes: the Awkward Problem.

Dr. Theology

Dept. of Theology
Tartu University

Place: Dalum Landbrugsskole
Landbrugsvej 65 5260 Odense S


We will start with first lecture Saturday at 9.30

Arrival will be possible either Friday 27.5 from 19:00h.
Or Saturday 28.5 after 9:00h

Price: from 27/5-29/5 (Including a cheese and wine Friday evening)

Shared Doubleroom: kr. 1.435,00
Single Room: kr. 1.935,00

From 28/5-29/5

Shared doubleroom: kr. 980,00
Single Room: kr. 1.290,00

The prices include full accommodation, symposium fee and program

Registration at Bente Kejser: Faculty of Arts, Aarhus Universitet, Taasingegade 3, 8000 Aarhus C.,

e-mail: bk@teo.au.dk

Warm Welcome to this Exciting Spring Event:

The directors:

Kees van Kooten Niekerk, The Danish Science-Theology Forum, KKN@teo.au.dk
Anne L. C. Runehov, Copenhagen University Network of Science and Religion, aru@teol.ku.dk
Категория: In English | Просмотров: 861 | Добавил: evzorja